Editable templates

Selection of powerpoint templates from the Med-Extranet team for you to edit or localise. When you have edited make sure you "SAVE AS" using the *.jpeg file extension before you upload to the Media player.
10 Minute Appointments
Powerpoint slide - localise - 10 Minute Appointments (L) - download and "Save as" Jpg before using on screen
Access to Care 1
Powerpoint slide - localise - Access to care choices (L) download and "Save as" jpg before using on screen
Access to Care 2
Powerpoint slide - Access to Care additional (L) - download and "Save as" jpg before using on screen
Busy Phone
Powerpoint slide - localise - Busy Phone to 10:30am - (L) download and "Save as" jpg before using on screen
Comments & Feedback
Powerpoint slide - Localise - Comments & Feedback (L) download and "Save as" jpg before using on screen
DNA lost time
Powerpoint slide - DNA XXX Patients did not arrive - , download, localise add DNA number before "save as" with *.jpg extension
DNA Message
Powerpoint template - Every Month we have patients who ........ localise (L) download and "Save as" jpg before using on screen
GP Signature forms
Powerpoint slide - GP Signature forms - localise (L) download and "Save as" jpg before using on screen
Nurse Prescriber
Powerpoint slide - Our Nurse Prescriber can ........ localise (L) download and "Save as" jpg before using on screen
Surgery Times
Powerpoint slide - Surgery times - localise - download and enter your surgery times into the grid, then "save as" *.jpeg before uploading to the media player (L)