Accident & Emergency

A series of posters and videos to advise when it is right to go to A&E.
Why go to A&E
Why go to A&E - Poster (L)
Call 999 or got to A&E for Blood loss
Where there is significant BLOOD LOSS call 999 - Poster (L)
A&E Xmas Prescriptions
Think about when to order repeat prescription so you do not need to go to A&E over Xmas - Poster (P)
How to put someone in recovery
Video - NHS Choices how to put someone in the recovery position - Video
Think about repeat prescriptions
Think about your repeat prescriptions in time so as not to end up in A&E - Poster (P)
Call NHS 111
Think about calling NHS 111, not going to A&E when it is not urgent - Poster (P)
Think about going to the Pharmacy when it is not urgent - Poster (P)
Self Care at Home
Concider self care at home - Poster (P)
Vinnie Jones CPR
Vinnie Jones CPR Hard and Fast video (HD)
Dee's A&E Fail
Choose Well - Dee's A&E Fail Tail Animation video (HD)